Thursday, June 27, 2019

Denmark Constitution Day and National Elections 2019

Today’s Doodle celebrates Denmark’s Constitution Day, known to Danes as Grundlovsdag. Each year, proud citizens commemorate the day in 1849 when King Frederik VII signed the document that made Denmark a constitutional monarchy. This marked the end of enevælden (absolute monarchy), and the beginning of democracy in Denmark.
June 5th was also the day when important amendments were made to the constitution: In 1915, Danish women received the right to vote, and in 1953, women were allowed to succeed to the throne.
Rather than fireworks and parades, Danes traditionally mark the occasion with flag-raising ceremonies, which often feature group singing or fællessang. According to legend, Dannebrog, as the red and white Danish national flag is known, fell from heaven during the Battle of Lyndanisse on June 15, 1219—so there is much to sing about!
Highly engaged in the political process, many Danish citizens enjoy attending friluftsmøde(open-air meetings) on this day. Local politicians turn up to engage with their constituents while they enjoy picnics in the park or pølser (hot dogs) and beer. Families also take this opportunity to spend quality time together, as June 5th also happens to be Father’s Day in Denmark.
This year, the date also coincides with Denmark’s National Elections.
Glædelig Grundlovsdag!
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  1. 05.06.2019-Wednesday-புதன்-Doodle-Denmark Constitution Day and National Elections 2019-JPEG.
