Friday, March 27, 2020

Hungary National Day 2020

  • Today’s Doodle commemorates Hungarian National Day. On this day in 1848, revolutionary poet Sandor Petőfi stood on the stairs of the Hungarian National Museum, reciting Nemzeti dal and declaring a list of demands for democratic rights, now known as the 12 Points of the Pest Revolution, before a growing crowd of student protestors.
    This manifesto called for sweeping political reform, including freedom of the press, religious and political equality, and the establishment of a Hungarian government. As Petőfi’s voice echoed through the streets of Pest (now Budapest), the Hungarian Revolution officially began. After several weeks of nonviolent pressure, the Austrian emperor adopted most of the 12 Points into law, leading to Hungarian independence.
    National Day events are held annually at the Hungarian National Museum, featuring a presidential speech, a recitation of the Nemzeti dal (“National Song”), and the raising of the country’s flag, which is depicted in the Doodle artwork.
    Boldog március 15-ét, Magyarország! (Happy 15th of March, Hungary!)
  • This Doodle's Reach

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