Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Mid-Autumn Festival (Japan) 2017

For over a thousand years, the autumnal festival of Tsukimi or Otsukimi (moon viewing) has marked the fall harvest in Japan. On this [ 04.10.2017 ] day, people offer prayers of gratitude to the chuushuu no meigetsu (picturesque mid-autumn moon), glowing at its brightest. Families offer the moon a traditional feast of foods like sake (rice wine), dango (rice dumplings), and kabocha (pumpkin).

Today’s [ 04.10.2017 ] Doodle depicts the legend of ‘Tsuki no Usagi’, the rabbit who lives on the moon. Japanese folklore tells the story of the Old Man of the Moon, who wants to know the kindest animal. He disguises himself as a beggar and asks for food. The monkey brings him fruit. The fox brings a fish. But the rabbit, unable to find anything but grass, offers to jump into the fire to feed himself to the Old Man. Thus the rabbit proves himself to be the kindest and is taken to the moon, where he now lives. If you look hard enough, you may be able to spot his long ears as he bends over his pestle, grinding mochi (rice cakes).

Tsukimi is a time for peace, thanksgiving, and appreciation for all nature has bestowed upon the world. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
04.10.2017-Wednesday-புதன்-Doodle_Mid-Autumn Festival (Japan) 2017_PNG

1 comment:

  1. 04.10.2017-Wednesday-புதன்-Doodle_Mid-Autumn Festival (Japan) 2017_PNG.
