Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Mother's Day 2022 (March 27)

27.03.2022-Sunday-Mother's Day 2022 (March 27)-GIF. 

Bangladesh Independence Day 2022

 26.03.2022-Saturday-Bangladesh Independence Day 2022-GIF.

The Bangladesh flag shown in today’s Doodle features a red disk against a green backdrop. This representation of a sun rising across the nation’s landscape proudly flies in celebration of over 50 years of Bangladesh independence. 

Bangladesh’s natural beauty contains the longest sea beach in the world in Cox’s Bazar and the world’s largest mangrove forest where the famous Bengal tiger has a roaring good time. The country is affectionately known as the ‘Land of Rivers’ with nearly 700 rivers, including tributaries. 

This day is often filled with parades and fairs throughout the country. Happy Independence Day, Bangladesh!

Emma Godoy's 103rd Birthday

 25.03.2022-Friday-Emma Godoy's 103rd Birthday-PNG.

Today’s Doodle celebrates Mexican writer, poet, psychologist and broadcaster Emma Godoy, who was born on this day in 1918 and used her voice to defend the rights and dignity of the elderly.

Godoy initially got a master’s degree in Spanish Language and literature. She then earned a Doctorate in Philosophy from the esteemed National Autonomous University of Mexico, in addition to studying Psychology and Pedagogy. She was also a professor of Literature there. 

Much of Godoy’s life was spent balancing teaching, writing novels, poetry, art criticism and philosophical essays. Her novel, Érase un hombre Pentafácico, was given the Ibero-American Novel Award sponsored by The William Faulkner Foundation in 1962. 

In 1973, she founded and presided over the Association for the Dignification of Old Age, one of the first organizations to address senior rights. Godoy regularly broadcasted on XEW1 radio in Mexico and further spread awareness of her ideas. This led to the Mexican Government establishing the National institute for Older Adults in 1979. The institution is supported by Emma Godoy’s principles and continues to benefit millions today.

Greece National Day 2022

 25.03.2022-Friday-Greece National Day 2022-GIF.

Today's Doodle recognizes Greece's independence from the Ottoman Empire. After 400 years of occupation, Greece National Day celebrates the hoisting of Greece’s blue and white flag into the sky as a declaration of its independence.

Greece commemorates the holiday with flag-day parades, speeches, and visits to memorial services. These festivities draw thousands of spectators who later enjoy traditional dishes like bakaliaros (fried hake) accompanied by a garlic and potato puree, called skordalia. 

This important day in history marks the hard-won battle and observes Greece’s continued freedom for over 200 years.

Ζήτω η 25η Μαρτίου!

Elena Caffarena's 119th Birthday

 23.03.2022-Wednesday-Elena Caffarena's 119th Birthday-PNG.

Today’s Doodle—illustrated by Chile-based guest artist Catalina Bu—celebrates the 119th birthday of Elena Caffarena, a feminist lawyer who helped Chilean women win the right to vote in national elections. Considered one of the most important Chilean public figures of the 20th century, Caffarena spearheaded Chile’s workers' rights and women’s rights movements.

Caffarena came of age during a time when the working class labored in perilous conditions to earn meager wages. Caffarena attended the University of Chile in the early 1920s and became one of the first Chilean women to earn a law degree. Around this time, she met Luis Emilio Recabarren, a former low-wage worker and union organizer.  He deepened her determination to fight for the rights of underserved communities.

In 1935, Caffarena co-founded the Movement for the Emancipation of Chilean Women, the first national group to advocate for equal salaries and opportunities for women. Thanks to a bill that Caffarena co-wrote, the Chilean feminists achieved universal suffrage in 1949.

Today’s Doodle celebrates her birthday and reflects on all she accomplished for the Chilean working class and women!

Mother's Day 2022 (March 21)

 21.03.2022-Monday-Mother's Day 2022 (March 21)-GIF.

Tunisia National Day 2022

 20.03.2022-Sunday-Tunisia National Day 2022-GIF.


Happy National Day to Tunisians everywhere. On this day in 1956, Tunisia achieved independence from nearly a century of French colonial rule. Today marks the northernmost African country’s 66th year of independence.

Along with sunny weather and golden beaches, Tunisia boasts a rich history: Roman archaeological sites containing temples, mosaics and one of the largest coliseums in the world, El Jem, an amphitheater that’s still used today. 

Tunisians traditionally celebrate this day by waving the national flag, holding parades, and laying wreaths in tribute. For many, it’s a day of remembrance and gratitude.

Nowruz 2022

 20.03.2022-Sunday-Nowruz 2022-PNG.

The northern hemisphere is saying goodbye to cold, barren landscapes and hello to spring’s budding leaves and blooming flowers. Millions around the world put on festivals, feasts and enjoy outdoor activities in celebration of Nowruz, the first day of spring and official start to Persian New Year.

Nowruz is one of the oldest holidays and has a rich history that dates back over 3,000 years. The 13-day celebration begins with the vernal equinox when the sun crosses the equator. This widely symbolizes rebirth and the affirmation of life in harmony with nature.  

For many, common traditions include house cleaning, visiting friends and neighbors, and preparing traditional dishes such as special desserts, herb rice, and fried fish. 

Happy Nowruz!


Father's Day 2022 (March 19)

 19.03.2022-Saturday-Father's Day 2022 (March 19)-GIF.


Celebrating Ladi Kwali

 16.03.2022-Wednesday-Celebrating Ladi Kwali-GIF.


Today’s Doodle celebrates the life of Nigerian educator, ceramicist, glassworker, and potter Ladi Kwali, who helped introduce the international community to the beauty of Nigerian art through intricately decorated earthenware designs. On this day in 2017, an exhibition of Ladi Kwali’s work at the Skoto Gallery in New York opened.  

Ladi Dosei Kwali was born around 1925 to a family of potters in Kwali, Abuja, Nigeria. Her aunt taught her the coil and pinch methods of pottery during her childhood, which Kwali later refined into her own style as she fabricated everyday containers ornamented with animal iconography. Local aristocrats soon showcased her masterful work as home decorations, and it was in a royal palace that Michael Cardew—the founder of Abuja’s first potter training facility—discovered her talent in 1950.

In 1954, Kwali joined the Abuja Pottery Center, where she made history as the first Nigerian woman to train in advanced pottery techniques. She fused her traditional style with these innovative methods to craft a hybrid collection of pottery stylized with zoomorphic illustration. Kwali continued to break the mold into the 60s with exhibitions across Europe and the Americas, achieving international acclaim.    

Later in her career, Kwali shared the secrets of her craft with the local community as a university lecturer. She received a doctorate from Ahmadu Bello University in 1977 and the Nigerian National Order of Merit Award in 1980, which is among the nation’s most distinguished academic awards, in honor of her contributions. Kwali is remembered today with each exchange of Nigeria’s twenty Naira note, the first and only Nigerian currency to feature a woman.

Here’s to you, Ladi Kwali! Thanks for putting your unique spin on a traditional craft and sculpting a place for future generations of women artisans.

Rosa Bonheur's 200th Birthday

 16.03.2022-Wednesday-Rosa Bonheur's 200th Birthday-PNG.


Today’s Doodle celebrates the 200th birthday of French painter Rosa Bonheur, whose successful career inspired a future generation of women in the arts. 

Rosa Bonheur was born on this day in 1822 in Bordeaux, France. Her early artistic education was facilitated by her father, a minor landscape painter. Although her aspirations for a career in the arts were unconventional for women of the time, Bonheur closely followed the development of artistic traditions through years of careful study and preparing sketches before immortalizing them on canvas. 

Bonheur's reputation as an animal painter and sculptor grew into the 1840s, with many of her works exhibited at the prestigious Paris Salon from 1841 to 1853. Scholars believe an 1849 exhibition of “Plowing in Nivernais,” a government commission that is now housed in France’s Musée Nationale du Château de Fontainebleau, established her as a professional artist. In 1853, Bonheur garnered international acclaim with her painting “The Horse Fair,” which depicted the horse market held in Paris. As her most well-known work, this painting remains on exhibit in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.

To honor this celebrated painting, the French Empress Eugénie awarded Bonheur the Legion of Honor—one of the nation’s most prestigious awards, in 1865.

Hungary National Day 2022

 15.03.2022-Tuesday-Hungary National Day 2022-GIF.


Today’s Doodle commemorates Hungarian National Day, also known as Revolution Day. On this day in 1848, the poet of the revolution, Sandor Petőfi and his fellow patriots addressed the nation from the stairs of the Hungarian National Museum, reciting the Nemzeti dal (National Song). They declared a list of demands for democratic rights, now known as the 12 Points of the Pest Revolution —a document widely considered among the nation’s most important texts. 

The famous 12 Points called for the establishment of a Hungarian government and an end to all censorship. By the afternoon, thousands had joined in the cause and sparked the Hungarian Revolution, which later secured the nation’s independence. 

Today, this anniversary is honored as a National Day and events are held annually at the Hungarian National Museum. At the site of the brave calls for sweeping reforms in 1848, local officials give speeches, recite Petőfi’s Nemzeti dal, and raise the country’s flag, which is depicted waving in the Doodle artwork.


A mai Doodle a magyar nemzeti ünnepre, a forradalom napjára emlékezik. 1848-ban ezen a napon a forradalom költője, Petőfi Sándor és hazafi társai a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum lépcsőjéről szóltak a nemzethez, a Nemzeti dalt elszavalva. Kihirdették a demokratikus jogok követeléseinek listáját, amelyet ma a pesti forradalom 12 pontjaként ismernek – ezt a dokumentumot széles körben a nemzet legfontosabb szövegei között tartják számon.

A híres 12 pont a magyar kormány felállítását és minden cenzúra megszüntetését szorgalmazta. Délutánra ezrek csatlakoztak az ügyhöz, és kirobbantották a magyar forradalmat, amely később biztosította a nemzet függetlenségét.

Ezt az évfordulót ma nemzeti ünnepként tisztelik, és emlékére évente rendeznek rendezvényeket a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum előtt. Az 1848-as bátor reformfelhívások helyszínén a helyi tisztségviselők beszédet mondanak, elszavalják Petőfi Nemzeti dalát, és felvonják az ország lobogóját, amely a Doodle alkotáson lengedezve látható.

Emlékezzünk az 1848–49-es forradalom és szabadságharc évfordulójára!

Celebrating Dr. Maggie Lim

Today’s Doodle celebrates Singaporean physician, professor, and public health official Dr. Maggie Lim, the first young woman in Singapore and second Singaporean ever to win the prestigious Queen’s Scholarship in the 45 years of the award’s history. On this day in 2014, Dr. Lim was posthumously inducted into the Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame.

Maggie Lim, née Tan, was born in January 1913 in Singapore. She began her studies at Raffles Girls’ School, where she excelled in academics with a record six distinctions in her Senior Cambridge examinations. In 1929, she entered the then all-men’s Raffles Institution in preparation for the Queen’s Scholarship examination. 

In 1930, Lim made history by winning the scholarship. She left home to attend the London School of Medicine for Women, one of the city’s only training hospitals that exclusively trained women. After years of dedicated study, Lim joined the Royal College of Surgeons and earned her physician's license. She returned to home in 1940 and served her community with a specialization in maternity and child health, helping to establish a system of specialized clinics across Singapore. 

In 1963, Dr. Lim contributed her experience from a lifetime of fieldwork as the head of the Ministry of Health's Maternity and Child Welfare Department before retiring from this position to teach epidemiology and public health at the University of Hawaii for the remainder of her career.

 14.03.2022-Monday-Celebrating Dr. Maggie Lim-PNG.

Get Vaccinated. Wear a Mask. Save Lives. (March 10-13)

10.03.2022-Thursday-Get Vaccinated. Wear a Mask. Save Lives. (March 10-13)-GIF.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

International Women's Day 2022


Ghana Independence Day 2022

 06.03.2022-Sunday-Ghana Independence Day 2022-GIF.

Today’s Doodle celebrates the Independence Day of Ghana, an African nation formerly known as the Gold Coast. On this day in 1957, Ghana became the first African country south of the Sahara to gain independence from colonial rule. 

As the first for the region, Ghana and its independence movement catalyzed independence movements in other African countries. Celebrations of this anniversary can be heard throughout the nation as citizens sing along to “Ghana Freedom,” a famous song of independence; and dance to regional variations of Highlife music. 

Carnivals and parades are held across Ghana, from the capital of Accra on the scenic coastline of the Gulf of Guinea to the northern heritage-rich city of Tamale. Local foods, such as the Ghanaian jollof rice (a spicy rice dish with meat and vegetables), serve as centerpieces in many private homes, where the Ghanaian flag, depicted in the Doodle artwork, is raised in honor of decades of independence. 

Happy Independence Day, Ghana!


Winter Games 2022 Begin! (Mar 4)

04.03.2022-Friday-Winter Games 2022 Begin! (Mar 4)-GIF.


The competitive critters featured in today’s Doodle have gathered from all over the world under the winter sky to keep their cool and put their opponents on ice. Who will be pouncing on victory and scurrying home an international legend? 

Find out over the next few weeks as the Games have officially begun!

Women's Cricket World Cup 2022 Begins!

04.03.2022-Friday-Women's Cricket World Cup 2022 Begins!-PNG.

Today’s Doodle celebrates the Women’s Cricket World Cup, which officially begins today at Bay Oval Stadium in New Zealand.

The world’s first international cricket match took place in 1844 between Canada and the United States. The first women’s World Cup tournament was held in 1973, also won by this year’s defending champions, England. This year, eight teams from around the world will compete for tournament victory. 

No matter how heated the competition may get, cricket is highly respected for maintaining high standards of fair play and good sportsmanship. Hence the phrase “It’s just not cricket,” which describes anything considered unfair.

Best of luck to all the competing teams!

Bulgaria Liberation Day 2022

 03.03.2022-Thursday-Bulgaria Liberation Day 2022-GIF.

Girls' Day 2022

 03.03.2022-Thursday-Girls' Day 2022-PNG.


Discovery of Thailand's Largest Dinosaur Remains


St. David's Day 2022