Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Children's Day (Mexico) 2019

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Teachers' Day (Paraguay) 2019

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Last Day of The Heisei Period

Today’s Doodle honors the end of an era in Japan—literally—as the sun sets on the Heiseiperiod, whose name translates to “achieving peace.” The nation’s 247th gengō, or era name, began with the ascension of Emperor Akihito in January 8, 1989, and comes to an end as the emperor steps down to make way for his eldest son, Crown Prince Naruhito.
The tradition of naming eras dates back to 645 A.D. when Japan’s Emperor Kōtoku took the throne, ushering in a series of reforms to bring about a fair system of government. To emphasize what he hoped would be a fresh start for Japan he adapted the Chinese practice of giving his era a name. Emperor Kōtoku chose Taika meaning “great change.”
Historically, era names have often been inspired by classical Confucian texts and debated by high-ranking officials of the imperial court in a time-honored process of deliberation known as nanchin. Specifically, the gengō aims to express a vision for the future and speaks to the hopes and dreams of the Japanese people.
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Monday, April 29, 2019

India Elections (Phase 4) 2019

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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Evangelina Elizondo’s 90th Birthday

Today’s Doodle by Mexico City-based guest artist Valeria Alvarez celebrates Evangelina Elizondo, an actress who starred in movies, television shows, and musical theater during an era known as Mexican Cinema’s Golden Age. Born Gloria Evangelina Elizondo López-Llera in Mexico City on this day in 1929, the multi-talented artist was also an accomplished painter, author, and recording artist.
Elizondo’s big break came after being cast as the voice of Cinderella in the Spanish version of the Disney classic. She later made her stage debut dancing in the 1950 stage production of Mariano Azuelo’s Los de Abajo (The Underdogs) and also appeared in Mame and La Viuda Alegre (The Merry Widow) with Plácido Domingo.
Elizondo’s first on-screen appearance came in the 1951 film, Las locuras de Tin-Tan, with Germán “Tin-Tan” Valdés. She would act in over 75 films, specializing in comedies and musicals. “I do not like drama at all,” she said. “I do not want dramas in my life. What I've always wanted is to amuse the public, to whom I owe my career.” In 1995, she appeared with Anthony Quinn and Keanu Reeves in A Walk in the Clouds.
Elizondo also performed in several telenovelas, and her iconic character “Mamá Lena” in Mirada de Mujer was beloved by millions. She continued studying art throughout her life and also earned a degree in theology. The author of two books, she received a Harlequin Prize in 2014 for her contributions to Mexican culture.
Feliz cumpleaños, Evangelina Elizondo!

Guest artist Q&A with Valeria Alvarez

Q: Why was this topic meaningful to you personally?
A: Evangelina's career is special to me because I grew up watching or listening to her films :). Also, I admired that she developed in different activities.

Q: What were your first thoughts when you were approached about the project?
A: I felt excited, especially because Evangelina was a very special woman in Mexican cinema.

Q: Did you draw inspiration from anything in particular for this Doodle?
A: In some interviews of Evangelina and some interesting facts about her career.

Q: What message do you hope people take away from your Doodle?
A: I hope that people see a talented woman, who developed in different fields of the artistic world.
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Spain Elections 2019

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Na Hye-sok’s 123rd Birthday

Today’s Doodle celebrates the life and work of Na Hye-sok, Korea’s first female painter and a strong advocate of women’s empowerment.
Born in Suwon on this day in 1896, Na grew up in a prominent family who encouraged her independent spirit. During a time when most Korean women were expected to be strictly wives and mothers, she aspired to become an artist and author.
At age 17, she traveled to Japan to study Western oil painting at Tokyo Arts College, where she organized the Association of Korean Women Students. Refusing an offer of marriage arranged by her family, she took a job as a teacher.

After graduation, Na took part in a public protest resulting in her arrest. She fell in love with Kim Woo-young, the lawyer who was hired to defend her, and married him a year later. Afterwards, she continued to pursue her artistic career, and her work was even part of a special government-sponsored exhibition.

Na began to write essays critical of traditional Korean marriage, and she also published the first feminist fiction in Korea. She further shocked Korean society by advocating for women’s rights across a variety of topics widely considered taboo at the time. In the year 2000, the Seoul Arts Center organized a retrospective exhibit of her paintings. Today in Korea, Na is recognized for her art and her bold contributions to women’s empowerment.
Happy 123rd birthday, Na Hye-sok!
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Children's Day (Colombia) 2019

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Abraham Valdelomar’s 131st Birthday

Today’s Doodle celebrates Abraham Valdelomar, the Peruvian writer, illustrator, and founder of literary journals who was a fixture of the cultural life centering around the Palais Concert, a famous café in downtown Lima.
Growing up in the small coastal town of Pisco, Peru, Valdelomar moved to the capital city with his family at age 5, and published his first magazine while still in school. By 1906, he was working as an illustrator for the magazine Applause and Whistles. While serving in the Peruvian Army, he chronicled the conflict with Ecuador for the publication El Diario. In 1913 he worked with the Peruvian Embassy in Rome, writing a newspaper column called “Chronicles of Rome.”
A witty caricaturist who authored books, short stories, essays, and journalistic pieces, Valdelomar is fondly remembered for his cuentos criollos, or local stories set in his beloved Pisco. The most famous of these is El Caballero Carmelo, the tragicomic tale of an old fighting rooster, first published in the newspaper La Nación de Lima.
In 1916, Valdelomar founded the literary magazine Colónida, which included his own work as well as that of a new wave of young literary talent in Perú, including the poet José María Eguren.
Today, Valdelomar’s legacy lives on through his prolific writings. His image also appears on Perú’s 50 Sol note, a testament to his standing as one of the country’s most esteemed authors.
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South Africa Freedom Day 2019

Today South Africa celebrates Freedom Day, the anniversary of the historic elections of 1994, which ended more than 300 years of segregation and colonial rule and established a new democratic government in the former Dutch and British colony.
“On this day, you, the people, took your destiny into your own hands,” said Nelson Mandela on the first anniversary of the election that made him president of South Africa. “Your patience, your discipline, your single-minded purposefulness have become a legend throughout the world.”
Parades, speeches by national leaders, and musical performances will take place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, the nation’s capital. All across South Africa, the nation’s multicolored flag—as shown in today’s Doodle—will fly with its Y-shaped design representing the convergence of cultures with a shared vision for a better future.
Happy Freedom Day 2019, South Africa!
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King's Day 2019

Today’s Doodle celebrates Koningsdag​, a national holiday in the Netherlands celebrated on this date since the current monarch ascended to the throne in 2013. First celebrated as Princess’s Day in 1885, the holiday evolved to Queen’s Day before becoming King’s Day.
An orange pennant flies above the national flag of the Netherlands on this special day, referring back to Willem of Orange, a 16th century prince who led the Dutch uprising against Spanish rule. Major cities nationwide from Amsterdam to Utrecht will host street carnivals today, packed with revellers dressed in orange, a nod to the royal family, also known as the House of Oranj.
Orange wigs and makeup are strongly encouraged today, as well as a toast of Oranjebitter in honor of the King.
Gezellige Koningsdag​!
Happy Kings Day!
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St. George's Day 2019

St. George became a heroic figure of legend who was declared Patron Saint of England in 1348. Today’s Doodle by London-based guest artist Alice Pattullo celebrates St. George’s Day, which became an English feast day in 1415.
April 23 is also the day when the Order of the Garter, England’s highest honor of knighthood, is awarded by the English monarch with a medal bearing an image of St. George in battle with the mythical dragon. In fact, the Order of the Garter banners displayed in St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle were a source of inspiration for Alice’s final Doodle concept: "I love the simple applique graphics and the bold heraldic colours," she notes.
St. George’s valor has always held a special significance for the people of England. His flag (a red cross on a field of white) will fly all across the country today and many English people will wear a red rose on their lapel, inspired by the legend that a red bloom grew on the martyr’s grave. Traditional celebrations include parades, dancing, and gatherings at historic sites featuring hog roasts and all manner of medieval-themed merriment.
Happy St. Georges Day 2019!

Guest artist Q&A with Alice Pattullo

Q: Why was this topic meaningful to you personally?
A: As an English woman, it was interesting to have the opportunity to explore and research the history of St. George's Day which is England's 'Day'.

Q: What were your first thoughts when you were approached about the project?
A: I was excited to be asked. I visit Google daily to research for projects and imagery and love it when I come across an exciting and illustrative Doodle. I knew there would be some interesting history and tradition related to St. George's Day so I was keen to do some research to find out what.

Q: Did you draw inspiration from anything in particular for this Doodle?
A: After researching and exploring a couple of routes for the Doodle I chose to celebrate the Order of the Garter which was founded by Edward III in 1348. St. George was made patron of the Order of the Garter (as well as the Patron Saint of England) and the order was dedicated to the image of him and celebrates his chivalry. In St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, all the garter banners of the order are displayed, hanging from the ceiling; I love the aesthetic of the simple applique graphics on them and the bold heraldic colours and chose to use these as a visual starting point to tell the original (and more synonymous) story of St. George and the Dragon.

Q: What message do you hope people take away from your Doodle?
A: I hope people enjoy this as a celebration of the handiwork and design of the flags and banners which are now essentially English Folk Art and also that they learn something new and inspiring by reading into the history of St George and the Order of The Garter.
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National Sovereignty and Children's Day 2019

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India Elections (Phase 3) 2019

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Rosy Afsari’s 73rd Birthday

Today’s Doodle celebrates the life and career of Rosy Afsari, a prolific and award-winning Bengali actress who broke down barriers in the Bangladeshi film industry by becoming the country’s first female director.
Born in Laxmipur on this day in 1949, Shamima Akhter Rosy began her acting career in the early 1960s, appearing first as Rosy Samad, and later under her married name Rosy Afsari. In 1964 she appeared in Zahir Raihan's Sangam, the first color film in Pakistan.
Making her mark during the Golden Era of Bangladeshi cinema, Afsari came to prominence for her subtly powerful performances in films like the 1973 release A River Called Titas, about the life of fishermen on the bank of the Titas River in Bangladesh, and the 1974 historical drama Alor Michil, focusing on the Bangladesh independence movement in 1971. Over the course of a career spanning four decades, she was a standout in both Bangla and Urdu language films, as her unique presence shone through.
At the first ever Bangladesh National Film Awards ceremony in 1975, she won the award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the film Lathial. In 1986, Rosy Afsari directed the film Nirasha, making her the first woman movie director in Bangladesh. She also produced several movies through her company Rosy Films.
শুভ জন্মদিন
Śubha janmadina Rosy Afsari!
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Earth Day 2019

Happy Earth Day 2019! 
This year's annual Earth Day Doodle takes us around the planet we call home to discover some of the awe-inspiring organisms which inhabit it. Specifically, the interactive slideshow Doodle explores six organisms across elevations—along with their earthly superlative! 

Today’s Doodle was created by Doodler Kevin Laughlin. Below, he shares some thoughts on Earth Day and the inspiration for his Doodle:
 Q: What does Earth Day mean to you personally?
A: It's very easy for us humans to think of ourselves as something apart or separate from nature. If you pick just one day a year to remember that we're all of this earth as much as a worm, mountain, or tree, Earth Day can be that day.
Q: How did you choose which species to feature?
A: This was the most difficult part of the process! The last thing I wanted to do was feature animals based on their cuteness or how they might appeal in some way to my mammalian sensibilities. We tried to focus on having a good range of organisms from around the globe that all had an extra special unique quality or earthly superlative. (Tallest, smallest, oldest, etc.)
Q: Did you learn any cool random facts while working on this Doodle?
A: Apparently scientists were able to coax deep cave springtails with a bit of cheese. So we're not so different from these little hexapods, after all!
Q: What do you hope people will take away from this interactive Doodle?
A: If I can inspire the smallest bit of curiosity or wonder in someone, that would make me very happy. How often does one take a moment to contemplate a tiny critter that lives in the bowels of a cave in Georgia? All life is incredible and worth celebrating.

Lead Artist | Kevin Laughlin
Designer | Diana Tran
Engineering | Daniel Dovali Delgado, Jordan Thompson
Producer | Colin Duffy
Marketing & Partnerships Lead | Perla Campos
Art Support | Nate Swinehart
Doodle Team Leads | Jessica Yu, Brian Kaas

Special thanks to:
All the creative writers from the Google Assistant Personality Team
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The widest wingspan of any living bird-GIF
The tallest tree in the world-GIF
Holds the world record for smallest frog, and smallest vertebrate-GIF
Among the world’s largest aquatic plants-GIF
At 407-million-years old, it’s one of the world’s oldest living species-GIF
Among the deepest-dwelling terrestrial creatures-GIF
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